Author: TJ

  • Unleashing Your Financial Freedom: A Guide for the Stuck Professional

    Unleashing Your Financial Freedom: A Guide for the Stuck Professional

    In the world of 9-to-5 jobs, it’s easy to feel trapped in a cycle of monotony, yearning for a change but not knowing where to start. If you’re a working professional feeling stuck in your job and dreaming of financial freedom, you’re not alone. The journey from employee to entrepreneur is fraught with challenges, yet…

  • What Is One Way for An Entrepreneur to Decrease Risk?

    What Is One Way for An Entrepreneur to Decrease Risk?

    Entrepreneurship by definition comes with risk so a prudent individual might want to ask the question; What is one way for an entrepreneur to decrease risk? It is a great question. To help us with that question we turn to the Theory of constraints in which there is an underlining assumption that inherent simplicity exists…

  • The Four Stages Of Wealth Creation; From Clueless To Capitalist.

    The Four Stages Of Wealth Creation; From Clueless To Capitalist.

    Over the years of my practice and subsequent success/failures I have grown to appreciate the multifaceted reality associated with conducting business well. I have found that everyone puts their own spin on creating wealth or has a bias that bleeds through their approach to business. This isn’t bad it simply illustrates that there are many…

  • What Can a Small Business Owner Do to Increase Productivity?

    What Can a Small Business Owner Do to Increase Productivity?

    What Can a Small Business Owner Do to Increase Productivity? This question is one that is often not thought of at the establishment of a business, why would it be. People are often so excited and consumed by everything they need to line up to get the business off the ground they don’t take the…

  • Is Starting A Business In 2023 Going To Be A Good Idea?

    Is Starting A Business In 2023 Going To Be A Good Idea?

    No one knows the future so its tough to give a solid answer to this but what I can say is that starting any business at any time is a great idea if you do it the correct way. If you read through this site you will find many articles on all facets of business…

  • The Money Problem, The Rat Race, and Golden Handcuffs.

    The Money Problem, The Rat Race, and Golden Handcuffs.

    Throughout my early career I had people mention to me that I was smart. While that is a flattering comment, I would think to myself; “If I am so smart why am I still here” referring to my place of employment. This line of thought stems from the recognition that I was highly dependent on…

  • Earn To Invest, Buying Assets That Make You Money

    Earn To Invest, Buying Assets That Make You Money

    With your foundation of savings in place and a budget that allows you to continually add to your savings you will reach a point in which you will need to put some of your saved money to work. The best place to start with this is buying assets that make you money. Money has a…

  • Earn To Save, Budgeting Personal Finances For Freedom, Flexibility, and Peace of Mind

    Earn To Save, Budgeting Personal Finances For Freedom, Flexibility, and Peace of Mind

    In the previous section we discussed How Saving Money Works and What it Will Afford You. If you have done this and have established a habit of saving you have begun the process of creating a personal budget that will give you freedom, flexibility, and peace of mind. Having a plan is essential and establishing/sticking…

  • Earn to Save, How Saving Money Works and What it Will Afford You

    Earn to Save, How Saving Money Works and What it Will Afford You

    If you are living paycheck to paycheck or perhaps don’t know where your next paycheck will come from you know the feeling of being strapped for cash. While not a great feeling it is likely one of the most crucial realities required to move you along the path to financial success. Learning how saving money…

  • Can You Be a Business Owner Quiz

    Can You Be a Business Owner Quiz

    Ever want to know if you have wat it takes to be a business owner? Here is how to take the “Can You Be a Business Owner Quiz” to find out. Simply run a profit and loss statement on yourself to get the answer. A profit and loss statement simply records all the moneys in,…