Category: Growing a Business

  • Earn To Invest, Buying Assets That Make You Money

    Earn To Invest, Buying Assets That Make You Money

    With your foundation of savings in place and a budget that allows you to continually add to your savings you will reach a point in which you will need to put some of your saved money to work. The best place to start with this is buying assets that make you money. Money has a…

  • Looking to hire someone or are you looking for a job? Read this!

    Looking to hire someone or are you looking for a job? Read this!

    Do to some recent involvement in hiring processes I felt like it would be a good time to share some insight on what I have learned. As an employee or an employer the following information will help you find a good fit. It is amazing at how little thought is given to the pairing of…

  • Top 5 Considerations for Small Business Success

    1. Business is simple; don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be. Having spent a lot of time studying organizations and business theory I am so surprised at how little of it makes its way into successful companies. This is especially true for smaller organizations. In the end a business fails because it…

  • Successful Habits

    There will always be more things demanding our attention than we will ever have time to address, so the sooner we develop successful habits the better. If you are anything like most people reading this you probably have a new project that you want to get working on, a few projects that you started and…

  • The Up Side to Inefficiency

    The Up Side to Inefficiency

    For the past year I have been trying to wrap my brain around the paradoxical relationship between effectiveness and efficiency in small businesses. I have understood that one can be effective without being efficient but I could not reason why. I kept thinking this was a reality that persisted in spite of itself and ultimately…

  • 4 Steps From Solo-Preneur To Manager

    When you first start a business all of your attention will be focused squarely on getting done what needs doing in order to get your business off the ground. You have to manage everything yourself, you are a solo-preneur. As a solo-preneur you are a marketer, financial manager, logistics manager and customer services rep. But…

  • Growth Strategy, When to Step Up Capacity.

    Small and home-based businesses need to operate as efficiently as possible and following a growth strategy is a significant part of that equation. Knowing how and when to grow is essential to expanding as fast as possible without overextending. In the survival phase growth is not the focus but as a small business matures growth…

  • What Is Cash Flow Management And Why Should You Care?

    With the exception of volunteer organization cash is the life blood of every company. You know this reality more intimately than you may realize through the monthly expenses and income you experience. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Or, are you making enough to cover your bills with some left over to put into savings?…

  • Conflict Management Strategies Used In The Workplace

    Whether you own your own business or simply work in an environment with other people you will run into situations that require you to manage conflict. Conflicts can be interpersonal, profession, or simply strategic in any case having the ability to work through conflict is a vital skill. You may not realize how much conflicts…

  • Chaos Vs. Bureaucracy

    You may not realize this but as an entrepreneur one of your main functions is finding the balance between chaos and bureaucracy. If you take a look at successful organizations you will see they have somehow found a happy medium between these two extremes. It is this balance that allows organizations to flourish and will…