Category: Starting a Business

  • Unleashing Your Financial Freedom: A Guide for the Stuck Professional

    Unleashing Your Financial Freedom: A Guide for the Stuck Professional

    In the world of 9-to-5 jobs, it’s easy to feel trapped in a cycle of monotony, yearning for a change but not knowing where to start. If you’re a working professional feeling stuck in your job and dreaming of financial freedom, you’re not alone. The journey from employee to entrepreneur is fraught with challenges, yet…

  • Best Small Businesses to Start in 2016

    Best Small Businesses to Start in 2016

    What was the best small business to start in 2016? Have you been asking yourself; what are the best small businesses to start? I had that very question and have spent a great deal of time breaking that question apart. After all, why spend time on building a business that in the end won’t last…

  • Entrepreneur Ideas for Kids

    If you are a kid yourself or a parent looking for ideas of how to encourage an entrepreneurial mindset in your kids, read on. A great place for anyone at any age to start is with the purchase and sale of items through classified ads, garage sales, eBay, and the like. The nice thing about…

  • Best Small Businesses to Start in 2023

    A common question Shy Entrepreneurs ask is “What are the best small businesses to start?” Here are some fundamentals that will help you make the right choice. Service Based Small businesses by nature are often service based. There are many reasons for this but the biggest reason is providing a service can’t be boxed up…

  • Small Home Based Business Opportunities

    Small home based business opportunities are very attractive for many reasons; being your own boss, setting your own hours, and earning more than you would working for an employer. These dynamics can all exist but it won’t come easy, and it won’t come overnight. The truth may be that the low hanging fruit was picked…

  • How to Become a Business Owner, The Layers of Resistance

    Most of the working class chooses to subscribe to the 9 to 5 paradigm yet many question why they chose this path. If you are stuck in a job you do not like or have wondered how to become a business owner read on. There is more going on behind the scenes than you may…

  • How to Finance a Small Business

    When starting and running a small business the question of how to finance will come up multiple times. There is often an initial startup cost for assets, materials, and initial operations. As the business grows the demands on your company will change and you will again need to look at acquiring more resources. Depending on…

  • How To Measure Business Performance. Effectiveness Vs. Efficiency

    I found myself in yet another interesting conversation with a successful entrepreneur on the topic of successful business practices. We were discussing what is needed within an organization as it grows from a mom and pop shop to a mature corporation. It is obvious that the demands of the company will change as it matures…

  • Part Time Money Making Ideas

    It seems most people could use additional money on the side so I wanted to share with you a few things I have done to give you some part time money making ideas. What are the two things we never to seem to have enough of? Money and time. I believe this is why many…

  • Are You Aligned With Your Profession?

    A conversation with a college student has pushed me to address the issue of alignment between oneself and one’s occupation.  If you have ever taken the Myers Brigs you may have an idea of what I am talking about. It may seem rudimentary but aligning one’s self with a complimentary profession is not a cut…