Tag: Growth Strategy

  • Unleashing Your Financial Freedom: A Guide for the Stuck Professional

    Unleashing Your Financial Freedom: A Guide for the Stuck Professional

    In the world of 9-to-5 jobs, it’s easy to feel trapped in a cycle of monotony, yearning for a change but not knowing where to start. If you’re a working professional feeling stuck in your job and dreaming of financial freedom, you’re not alone. The journey from employee to entrepreneur is fraught with challenges, yet…

  • Growth Strategy, When to Step Up Capacity.

    Small and home-based businesses need to operate as efficiently as possible and following a growth strategy is a significant part of that equation. Knowing how and when to grow is essential to expanding as fast as possible without overextending. In the survival phase growth is not the focus but as a small business matures growth…

  • Reader’s Questions on Contemporary Business Issues.

    The following list was posed to me by a reader so I thought if this person had these questions others may also. Each refers to small business and the issue of growth. I left the questions as they were asked 1. Are small to medium sized companies innovative needs, more crucial to their success than…

  • Chaos Vs. Bureaucracy

    You may not realize this but as an entrepreneur one of your main functions is finding the balance between chaos and bureaucracy. If you take a look at successful organizations you will see they have somehow found a happy medium between these two extremes. It is this balance that allows organizations to flourish and will…

  • The Advantages of a Small Business

    It may not be evident at first glance, but small businesses have a huge advantage over large companies in many regards. Small firms don’t have the deep pockets to weather storms, but they do have the flexibility and focus that is not commonly found in larger corporations. This means that the ability to meet the…

  • Case Study of a Successful Little Business

    I recently had the privilege to review the 10 year performance of a successful little business and want to touch on some of the general business principles that allowed this success. Confidentiality prohibits me from including specific details but you probably don’t care about those anyway; you want to know what you can take away…

  • How To Measure Business Performance. Effectiveness Vs. Efficiency

    I found myself in yet another interesting conversation with a successful entrepreneur on the topic of successful business practices. We were discussing what is needed within an organization as it grows from a mom and pop shop to a mature corporation. It is obvious that the demands of the company will change as it matures…

  • Entrepreneurs, Take Advantage of the Business Cycle Phases

    Entrepreneurs, Take Advantage of the Business Cycle Phases

    I recently met with my financial advisor and our discussion sparked an idea for this post. I am going to discuss the business cycle and how as entrepreneurs we can better position ourselves to take advantage of the phase changes. The Business Cycle As you know there is an ebb and flow to our economy…

  • How to Manage a Business Successfully

    I recently had an interesting conversation with a business owner on the topic of how to manage a business successfully. We concluded that all businesses are working towards further growth and that a primary management concern is growth strategy. So, to manage a business successfully, one must manage growth successfully. How is this accomplished, and…

  • How To Increase Site Traffic, For Free!

    How To Increase Site Traffic, For Free!

    The following was written in 2011 and is out date. I am leaving it here for refence. I am currently working to increase site traffic and the first step is finding all the errors of my early years. So step one for increased traffic on an aged site is simply to clean it up. Since…