Tag: Needs of small scale business

  • Best Small Businesses to Start in 2016

    Best Small Businesses to Start in 2016

    What was the best small business to start in 2016? Have you been asking yourself; what are the best small businesses to start? I had that very question and have spent a great deal of time breaking that question apart. After all, why spend time on building a business that in the end won’t last…

  • Looking to hire someone or are you looking for a job? Read this!

    Looking to hire someone or are you looking for a job? Read this!

    Do to some recent involvement in hiring processes I felt like it would be a good time to share some insight on what I have learned. As an employee or an employer the following information will help you find a good fit. It is amazing at how little thought is given to the pairing of…

  • Top 5 Considerations for Small Business Success

    1. Business is simple; don’t make it more difficult than it needs to be. Having spent a lot of time studying organizations and business theory I am so surprised at how little of it makes its way into successful companies. This is especially true for smaller organizations. In the end a business fails because it…

  • Key Small Business Success Factors

    Many factors play a role in the success or failure of a small business, but how can these factors be assessed across business types and how do we identify which ones are key? In previous articles we have addressed how businesses can compete relative to one another but here we will dig into the key…

  • How to Finance a Small Business

    When starting and running a small business the question of how to finance will come up multiple times. There is often an initial startup cost for assets, materials, and initial operations. As the business grows the demands on your company will change and you will again need to look at acquiring more resources. Depending on…

  • Case Study of a Successful Little Business

    I recently had the privilege to review the 10 year performance of a successful little business and want to touch on some of the general business principles that allowed this success. Confidentiality prohibits me from including specific details but you probably don’t care about those anyway; you want to know what you can take away…

  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs for a Small Scale Business

    For those of you who don’t know, Abraham Maslow published a paper in 1943 titled “A Theory of Human Motivation.” In this work he established a hierarchy of needs that he argued was fundamental to all humans.  The structure of his hierarchy is often portrayed as a pyramid with the more basic needs making up…