Tag: Resource Management

  • What Is Cash Flow Management And Why Should You Care?

    With the exception of volunteer organization cash is the life blood of every company. You know this reality more intimately than you may realize through the monthly expenses and income you experience. Are you living paycheck to paycheck? Or, are you making enough to cover your bills with some left over to put into savings?…

  • Chaos Vs. Bureaucracy

    You may not realize this but as an entrepreneur one of your main functions is finding the balance between chaos and bureaucracy. If you take a look at successful organizations you will see they have somehow found a happy medium between these two extremes. It is this balance that allows organizations to flourish and will…

  • Iterative Development Model

    I have heard a lot of talk lately about lean and iterative startups and I must say I fully agree with the approach. People seem to jump in with both feet before they even know if there is water in the pool. Starting small and releasing a product as quick as possible cuts out a…

  • Small Business Inventory Management

    Managing inventory variability is a constant struggle in business one tool to help manage this is a regression analysis. A regression analysis is a statistical assessment of date that seeks to identify a general overlaying trend. It defines a sample set of date as a line. Like all statistical tools a regression analysis has limitations…

  • How to Manage a Business Successfully

    I recently had an interesting conversation with a business owner on the topic of how to manage a business successfully. We concluded that all businesses are working towards further growth and that a primary management concern is growth strategy. So, to manage a business successfully, one must manage growth successfully. How is this accomplished, and…

  • Drum Buffer Rope (DBR)

    Drum Buffer Rope (DBR)

    The Drum Buffer Rope (DBR) approach is a management tool used in the Theory of Constraints and follows the five focusing steps when assessing a physical process. With a physical process there exists and input, an output, and interrelations between work cells or departments. DBR provides a means to manage the throughput in pursuit of…

  • Small Business Resource Management

    As an entrepreneur or small business owner there is constantly a demand for three primary resources. The three resources are human capital (knowledge), financial capital (money), and time. Entrepreneurs have to find the balance on which to use in place of the other often a conflict can exists between spending time or spending money? With…