Author: TJ

  • Sales Approach: Hard and Fast vs. Soft and Slow

    I had a conversation with a gentleman that I do business with and we got onto the subject of different approaches to sales. He is a well-established individual who has successfully run many businesses, and his current operation follows a zero-pressure sales approach. The company he runs is not a start-up and his brand is…

  • How to Become an Entrepreneur

    Becoming an entrepreneur is nothing more than changing the way you see the world. As an entrepreneur you are always looking for and taking advantage of new angles and opportunities. Knowing the true definition of entrepreneur provides a start to becoming the entrepreneur inside. The single biggest thing you can do to become an entrepreneur…

  • Ideas for Home Business

    If you are looking for ideas for home based business there are a few things to keep in mind. Business is simple as long as you know what to look for once you have that figured out you have the keys to the world. I have said it before and I will say it again,…

  • Selling a Business Checklist

    Depending on the complexity of your small/home based business there may not be a whole lot to account for in the event of a sale but if there is I highly recommend the use of a certified accountant. A professional such as this will have insights you are not aware of or even care about.…

  • Small Business Resource Management

    As an entrepreneur or small business owner there is constantly a demand for three primary resources. The three resources are human capital (knowledge), financial capital (money), and time. Entrepreneurs have to find the balance on which to use in place of the other often a conflict can exists between spending time or spending money? With…

  • Small Business Network Design

    Small Business Network Design If you are currently running a small or home based business or looking to get one started one question you may have is how to set up your network. Well, don’t sweat it, a proper solution is easier than you may think. As your business grows so to will your IT…

  • Home Based Business for Women

    I was recently asked by a stay at home mom, what is a good home based business for woman. What is something that can be done part time, doesn’t require uninterrupted focus, and can be done form home? While I am sure there are dozens of models out there, the one model that I know…

  • Succeeding Quotes

    The following list of quotes has been compiled with two criteria in mind. The first of which is that they are quotes associated with success; the second is that they speak into the heart and truth of good character. As you read them take note that it is not so much what one must do…

  • Selling a Small Business

    When looking at the task of selling a small business you may be wondering where to start. So much is in place with an existing business; there must be a good deal of intrinsic value right? Selling a business is much like selling any other product. The value of the product is what someone is…

  • Successful Ads

    The single most influential vehicle to the growth of an established business is marketing with successful ads. Successful advertising campaigns come in many forms, and often times the most effective are not on billboards or TV. Start with your target market. If you know your market inside and out as you should, you know where…